“Beautiful, curvy redhead who has a weird amount of thoughts about snail farming, for someone who does not own a snail farm”
”Literally the best part of my day. I love seeing you when I’m in Town.”
”She makes me feel the same way I feel when I have a really, really fresh donut on a crisp fall day". But in my dick.”
”Would not see me for free and caused my penis to fall off”
“Hot, but a bitch”
Words spoken by those I’ve met, I’ve loved, who’ve loved me, and the final words spoken by those I’ve never met who do not expect me to greet them at the door with the idle question, the DELIGHTFUL question of ‘Okay, but what if I was a giant frog’? What then, boys? What if I was a giant frog? Am I still hot,but a bitch? Or am I a little more amhipbious than that?

More ‘giant frog lady’ than ‘cat lady’, but you get the drift.

If you are seeking a sex doll who makes ‘Oh ya! Mhm! So big!’ noises on repeat, go no further. If you ARE wanting to meet someone who will make the coin-grabbing noises from Mario Kart every time you thrust, come right in.